USAF Academy
Class of 1982
"Best in Blue!"

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Hey Redtags,
Be sure to check out the blog section. This is where I'm posting class news updates as soon as I get them from our classmates. I'll still be condensing them into quarterly class news columns in Checkpoints, but this way you'll get the news in a bit more timely fashion. Also, I don't have the space limitations here that I have in Checkpoints, so I can include lengthier updates and more pictures.
To be sure that you're getting all the latest news on class events and related information, please be sure to sign up for our class mailing list. My goal is to have a good e-mail address and other contact information for every member of our class, whether or not you graduated with us. I use the mailing list to push out important news and announcements concerning class-related topics. I promise not to "spam" you or to use your contact info for any commercial purpose. It's solely to keep you informed about things like reunions, class events and projects, and news regarding our classmates and USAFA.
Appointed 26 Jun 1978
Graduated on 2 Jun 1982
Graduation Rate

Class Facts
Living Graduates: 805 (12/2/2016)
USAF- 830
US Army- 2
US Navy- 3
US Marine Corps-1
Foreign- 4
Not commissioned-2
Graduation Speaker:
George H. W. Bush, Vice President of the United States
Presented Commissions:
George H. W. Bush, Vice President of the United States
Presented Diplomas:
George H. W. Bush, Vice President of the United States; The Honorable Verne Orr, Secretary of the Air Force
Cadet Wing Commanders:
Timothy Collins (Fall)
Robert P. Otto (Spring)
Rhodes Scholarships: Heather A. Wilson, and David S. Fadok
National Science Foundation Fellowships: Christopher R. Kedzie, Joseph E. Overbeck, and David R. Levy
Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellowship: Robert J. Scari and Robert E. Peterson, Jr.
Fulbright Scholarship: Steven C. Suddarth
Guggenheim Fellowship: David R. Levy
National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame Scholarship: Michael E. B. France
East-West Center Scholarship: Shawn V. Whitson
Princeton Fellowship: James D. Taiclet, Jr.
Kennedy School of Government - Harvard University Scholarship: Jon A. Kimminau, James D. Taiclet, and David M. Snyder
Boeing Endowments for Excellence: Christopher R. Kedzie, Herbert E. Klei, Robert E. Peterson, Jr., Steven C. Suddarth, and Thomas L. Yoder; Franklin C. Wolfe Fellowship: Timothy F. Lindemann
Departmental scholarships: Gail R. Cooper, Michael E. Damal, and Glenn E. James
All-Americans (sports):
Johnny L. Jackson: Football; Academic All American: Michael E. B. France
Class Officers:
President: James T. Demarest
Vice President: Rick Burgess
Secretary: Peggy (Sherman) Ball
Treasurer: Greg Masters
Historian and Scribe: James M. Ratti
Our Class Ring
The American Flag, with the Polaris Star serving as its support, gracefully wraps around theAcademy Saber showing the Class of '82s commitment to defend our country.
The Prop and Wings and the slogan, "Best in Blue," represent the pride '82 has in being the24th graduating class from the Academy.
"This quote is taken from the hymn sung each Sunday in the Cadet Chapel asking God tolead and protect the Men who Fly.
The four Thunderbirds symbolize the courage and expertise of the men whose mission is to"Fly and Fight."
Class Motto: "Best in Blue"